Beyond our five physical senses, we have six incredible powers known as our mental faculties. They are: Imagination, Intuition, Will, Memory, Reason and Perception. Everyone has these faculties. Some may be more developed than others, but with use and practice, these faculties can be strengthened. The stronger they become, the more they can help you create the life that you would love to live, creating the results you want in your life. In this article I am going to focus on the power of intuition and what you can do to recognize it and use it. Intuition is the ability to know, an inner knowing that isn’t based on logic or rational thinking. It comes from information in the subconscious mind and uses little or no information from the physical senses. You’ve probably walked into a room of people and felt the energy of the room, whether it’s upbeat or down and heavy. You’re picking up the thoughts and feelings of the people there. Or maybe you’ve gone home, walk in, and without anyone saying anything, you can FEEL that your spouse is in a bad mood. That’s your intuition. We want to pay attention to our feelings. When we are still, and we quiet our mind from the busyness of life, we can listen and hear what our intuition is telling us. By recognizing our intuition, we can develop it and use it more in our life. What happens when we get these “feelings” is that we are picking up the energy of the person, or the room. We are picking up the energy of the thoughts. Everything in the universe is energy, EVERYTHING. Rocks are energy, concrete, any substance you might think is solid, is still energy. Energy vibrates. Our intuition is sensing the vibrations and we receive it as feelings. Vibrations are everywhere. We send out and receive vibrations, all day long. When you hear a loud horn and it frightens you, that is a vibration coming from your senses, not your intuition. Feeling the energy in the room comes from your intuitive sense. Intuition always comes from your non-physical senses. Notice the difference between sensing vibrations through your senses and from your intuitive mind. The more you do it, the clearer it will become. Your intuition will come through differently than other thoughts you hear. The more you tune into hearing that voice, the more familiar it will become. Your intuition is the still small voice and will never be fearful or frantic. It’s a calm knowing. It can be that “gut-feeling”. You just know, you just sense what the truth is or what to do. Exercising your intuition is tapping into your subconscious mind. Stay positive because negative thoughts will block your intuition. Allow your inner voice to be heard. Started recognizing your intuition by being aware of your feelings and listening to the inner voice or you gut. The more you practice it, the stronger it will become. Listen and it will guide you to a better way of living. “There is a universal, intelligent, life force that exists within everyone and everything. It resides within each one of us as a deep wisdom, an inner knowing. We can access this wonderful source of knowledge and wisdom through our intuition, an inner sense that tells us what feels right and true for us at any given moment.” - Shakti Gawain
Your goal is set for this year. Now what? A goal requires action, or it remains a hope or wish. The first thing is to make a committed decision and expect that you will achieve your goal. There are physical steps to take that will move you toward your goal, and there are mental steps that are just as important that will aid in manifesting your goal. The main purpose of this article is to address the non-physical or mental steps to take to achieve your goal, but first I’ll briefly say this about the physical steps. Some of the physical steps you’ll need to take, you may not know what they are right now, but be assured, they will be revealed to you when you need to know them. Start taking the action steps that you know to take and do something everyday that moves you forward. The resources, ideas and means to accomplish your goal will come to you in the amount you need and when you need them. Visualizing your goal is extremely powerful for creating or doing anything that you want to do. My blog post from August 19, 2019 is “The Power of Visualizing Your Goals.” You can read that blog to learn more about visualizing. The exercise I want to share today is to send a message to yourself from your future self. In a year, see yourself having accomplished the goal you’ve set for this year, and from that point in time, record a message to you today. I would recommend a video recording but at the least, do an audio recording. You are going to celebrate the successes that you’ve had this year. Celebrate what you’ve done, your achievements, where you’ve gone, and do the celebration with great feeling and emotions. Really feel what it’s like to have achieved your goals. Go into detail about how you feel about it, how what you’ve done has impacted others, and celebrate in the spirit of joy and with fun. This is a positive, upbeat exercise that will get you believing that you are going to achieve your goals. You must have belief in order to accomplish what you want to do. The emotions that you put into this, and the details about your successes, what has happened because of it and what you’ve done will enforce the belief and expand your thought to the possibilities and the reality of your achievements. Tell your celebration story with such conviction that anyone listening would have no doubt that you achieved your goal and that this was truly a celebration. For example, if your goal was to acquire your dream job making a specific amount of money (state the amount in your goal) and doing so allows you to take your family on vacation to Hawaii for 2 weeks and donate $10,000 to your local animal shelter you have lots to celebrate. Talk about what it feels like to make that income and what it provides for your family. What activities are you doing now that you couldn’t do previously? Celebrate the Hawaii trip, how many people went, where did you stay, what did you do? How did if feel when you all learned to surf? What color was the water you swam in? What fish did you see scuba diving? What was the animal shelter able to do because of your donation? How many animals were housed, spayed or neutered, re-homed, vaccinated, fed? How does that make you and your family feel knowing you helped so many animals? With excitement relay the awesomeness and gratitude of every experience you had and experiences you were able to give to others. When you video your celebration, make it fun, like a party. Get creative, be festive and have fun! Bring in the noise makers, the confetti, and have a toast! Feel proud of yourself. Your success adds to more lives than just your own. It impacts your family as well as people you don’t know because by spending money you are enhancing other lives. Listen to your recording. Feed the celebration of your achievements into your subconscious mind and it will help you get there. The recording can act much like an affirmation. You can also use it to inspire you when the going gets difficult. It’s a reminder of what you are achieving, what your expectations are and the reality that you will do it. Most importantly, remember the FEELINGS you have with your success. Enjoy this exercise and utilize it to the fullest for the most benefit, and watch things manifest. Maintain your steadfast belief that you are achieving your goal and creating the life you desire. Always have gratitude and make it fun. Leave a comment and let me know about your successes and how you used this tool. Photo by Wout Vanacker on Unsplash Are your goals set for this year? It’s not too late if they aren’t. Get busy and set your yearly goal. You want to take advantage of the entire year. Use the energy and timing of this New Year to help you reach your goals. Earl Nightingale said, “Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal.” He is saying that you are successful when you are progressively working toward your goal, not when you achieve it. This is when you are taking the action required to move toward your goal. He also names it is a “worthy goal or ideal.” That means it’s an idea that pushes you beyond what you think you are capable of. The whole purpose of a goal is to make you grow. It is something that you don’t know how to do, have never done before and don’t know how it can be achieved. As such, it may scare you, but that’s alright. It should also be an idea that you are so in love with that it excites you in spite of the fear. The emotional connection with your goal is needed to get you through the challenges and tough times that will show up on your way to the goal. And there will be challenges. Welcome them. It’s where the growth happens. “What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become be achieving your goals.” Henry David Thoreau. A goal is designed to make you grow. Working towards a goal is a journey and not a destination. When you reach one goal, you then create a new goal and keep going, repeating the process. A proper goal is a want, not a need. A need is not inspiring, will not make you grow and does not carry with it the inspiration you need to stick with it. Napoleon Hill said, “A goal is a dream with a deadline.” Use your imagination to create the goal that you really want. Then put the date on it for when you want to achieve. If it’s not dated, it doesn’t carry with it the commitment and action needed to get it done. Not having a date is like saying, “I’ll do it when I get around to it”, or “when this happens then I’ll do my goal”. That’s not a goal. Remember that if you get to your date and you haven’t achieved your goal, don’t give up. Just extend your date. You never change the goal to fit the date but it’s alright to change the date. To set goals that you will achieve, you must have a specific goal. The universe will help you reach your goal however, it must know exactly what the goal is. Saying, “I want a better job” is not a good enough goal. Describe the job, what you’re doing in it, how much money you’re making, detail exactly what a better job looks like for you. Then you will be able to focus on those details and The Law of Attraction will be helping you achieve your goal. Belief is essential in achieving your goal. You must have belief that you will accomplish it. You cannot have any doubt. Do not listen to nay-sayers, and in fact, it’d probably be wise to not share your goal with people who you know won’t support you. Keep it close to your heart and what you’re working toward will be revealed to others in your actions as you are moving closer to your goal. Set your intention that your goal is going to manifest. Start acting like it is. Live as if it’s already happened. Have complete certainty that you are achieving this goal. When doubt starts to creep in, immediately identify and correct the disbelief. Make a habit of doing this. Make a habit of switching your belief as soon as you recognize any sense of doubt or disbelief. Correct the thought and move forward, taking the action needed to bring your goal to fruition. Be aware of your energy around your goal. You want to be sure it is always positive energy, thought and focus that you are giving it. You must truly believe this goal is manifesting and is on its way to you. Your mind has the ability to maintain the mindset needed to reach your goal. Your mind has the creative ability to help you set and achieve your worthy ideal, your dream goal. Remove any limited thinking and limiting beliefs and let your full potential be realized when you move toward and accomplish your lofty goals. If you’ve already set this year’s goals, take another in-depth look at them based on what I’ve shared here. If you haven’t, take the time to think about it and write, yes, write down on paper, what your goals are. Goals must be written down to be effective. When you are working toward your goal, you are successful. Have a goal so emotionally charged that you will keep at it no matter what. The journey of goal setting and achieving can be so fun and rewarding. And remember, when you reach one goal, to set another goal, a bigger goal. Continue to set goals and continually grow. This allows you to live the life you want, that YOU are creating! |