When working towards a goal, focus can help you accomplish the result you desire. I frequently tell clients to focus on what they truly want, to get a clear image of the result they desire and to focus on it, laying aside all distractions. This focus, though, requires an open mind. Having focus and being open minded may seem contradictory, but they’re not. An open mind will enhance your focus, because you will be receptive to ideas that will help you. You don’t want to be so focused on something that you exclude ideas that will move you forward. You don’t want to block these ideas from coming to you. Eliminating distractions and shutting off negativity is essential to maintaining your focus. When you do this, you are not allowing yourself to be deterred. Shutting off the negativity also means closing off your own negative self-talk. Limiting beliefs will try to get in the way of progress, and you must be aware of this or it too will stop you from moving forward. You must keep your mind focused on the goal, the result you truly desire. Your goal should be so strong that you don’t let anything get in the way of accomplishing it. The Law of Attraction is always working, and it attracts to you whatever you are focused on. When you are focused and have an open mind, you will receive ideas that will help you on your way to your goal. Resources will show up when you need them. Things will come together that you hadn’t thought of. You weren’t sure how it was going to happen but it’s working out. This happens with focus and an open mind. When your mind is closed off, you aren’t in a receptive mode. You won’t receive the ideas that will help you, the resources won’t be there, or you won’t see them. When you are open to receiving, you are not closed off from the good that is on its way to you. Remain focused but with an open mind, so that you never miss the answer or the idea that is waiting to be received, which just might be the key to your success. Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
Charmaine Grace
6/24/2019 10:13:38 am
thank you Darlene. The idea of being focused and open is a good one. I appreciate your sharing and reminding me to be focus, yet not so focused that I see only one way to do things. Being open to other possibilities and opportunities will help us achieve what we are focused on
6/25/2019 09:40:09 am
Thank you Charmaine. Glad you liked this post and found value in it. I appreciate the feedback.
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